Become a premium member
Due to rising costs, we can no longer provide you with the App/Homepage without advertising!
But it will remain FREE!
You don't want Advertising within the App and/or the Homepage?
In return you will receive Premium Status and can use it ad-free for one year!
Our App Team works on the App and improving it every day!
There are costs for this every month, such as:
💻 Server Costs
💻 Hosting
💻 Advertising
💻 APP Store Usage
💻 Firebase Database Fees
Please select your Package via Paypal:
1 Year App VIP |
Price: 9.99 € |
1 Year Homepage VIP |
Price: 4.99 € |
1 Year App and Homepage VIP |
Price: 12.99 € |
You can also support us with any contribution to continue to successfully develop this project. |
It may take up to 48 hours for the Premium Status to become visible to you within the App.
⚠️ Please note that this Package is not a V.I.P. Package from Coin Master. ⚠️
If you have any further questions, please contact our Support Team.
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